In today's fast-paced world, productivity tools play a crucial role in helping you manage your time efficiently, stay organized, and accomplish tasks more effectively. Thread's event suggestion feature uses our large language model (LLM) to make helpful, thoughtful, and relevant suggestions that prompt you to create events to assist in work management and completion.
The event suggestion feature works by providing a response to a conversation taking place in a thread. By clicking the bright lightbulb icon on the bottom right of the comment text field (see image below), you can see event suggestions and decide to either Accept, Edit, or Dismiss the suggestion.
Selecting Accept will automatically generate the event in the events list on the right-hand panel. The event will be set to Not Started by default.
Selecting Edit will open the edit event screen (create an event panel), allowing you to add any further details to the bot's suggestion. This allows for maximum flexibility with the bot's suggestion.
Selecting Dismiss will remove the event suggestion from your screen (you'll need to click the lightbulb icon again to see it). This keeps your workspace tidy, making it easy for you to only create necessary events.
The event suggestion feature streamlines task management by automatically suggesting from user comments, enabling users to effortlessly convert discussions into actionable items.
Ready to explore Threads? Reach out to our sales team to start a conversation today about the future of collaboration excellence!