Autodesk Prerequisites

Our integration with Autodesk Netfabb currently has one touch point - you can review incoming order files by clicking a button to display them in Netfabb. When you save them in Netfabb they should also be synced with Authentise. Depending on which version of Netfabb you have, the pre-requsisites are a little different (more intense if you have a version <2020.0). We've listed both below

Prerequisites for Netfabb 2020.0+

1. We are managing this integration via the Forge platform, so you will need to have an account on as well as Netfabb (version 2019.1 or above) and an Authentise Bureau, naturally.

2. Your A360 account should also have a folder names "Authentise" in it.

3. You need to make sure you're logged in to your Autodesk account on your Netfabb version.

Prerequisites for Netfabb 2019.1-2020.0

In addition to the 3 steps above you will also have to follow the following steps:

4. You'll you will also need to make sure that your settings on Netfabb are listening to our commands. You can change this setting by clicking "Settings" on the top right and moving the "Listen to Browser Plugin" setting to Yes:


5. Finally, because Autodesk didn't get quite ready in time you'll have to do one more thing for the next few months. Download this zip file, and extract it to "C:/" (yes, crazy! Right to the root folder!), then double click on the netfabbProtocolHandler Registry file. You'll get an alert, which you also have to confirm.

Promise, then you're done (if you've done it all right).



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