Status Changes

This page describes what status changes are permitted, and which logic we follow.

Changing status from Pending to Complete

  • Generally permitted, but not recommended. All work steps for each print in the line-item will be marked as complete. Items that have previously been added to a print run will be left as batched queued runs to avoid cancelling scheduled runs. 

Changing status from Pending to Cancelled

  • Permitted. Only that line-item will reflect a cancelled state and will not affect the status of other line-items or the order itself.

Changing status from Confirmed to Pending

  • Not Permitted.

Changing status from Confirmed to Complete

  • Generally permitted, but if you are using the Order Offer feature and there is an order outstanding it must be confirmed (if applicable by entering the PO). Alternatively, if an order offer is not required anymore, you can un-check the Order Offer checkbox to allow the status to be set to complete. 

Changing status from Confirmed to Cancelled

  • Generally permitted, but not recommended. If no runs have been scheduled this action will have no side affects. If a run has been scheduled with the confirmed line-item, the run for that line-item will be blocked from status progression and you will have to manually delete the run as we do not currently delete the run automatically. 

To see what information you can change when the order is in confirmed, please see this page.


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