Welcome! If you are reading this you have likely already received an email from Authentise about setting up an account. This is because your account must first be created by a Source Bureau that is already using Authentise so that you may gain access to the Service Provider portal. If you are a Source Bureau that is looking for help requesting orders from Service Providers, please see this guide instead.
Activating Your Service Provider Account
Once your account has been created, your email invitation will be sent, asking you to log in and complete the registration process.
1) Authentise Welcome email:
2) Activate your account.
Click the Create Password link. Follow the steps to create a password for your new account. Now that you have created an account, you are ready to receive requests for quotes and to fulfill jobs.
Receiving and Responding to a Job Request
A Service Provider user will receive a New Order Request email notification when a new job request has been submitted to their account. For example:
Click the link or log in with your Authentise user credentials to see a list of all 3D printing job requests.
Click on the job request ID to view the job details. The Job details are organized into three sections:
- order details,
- line item details
- bid details.
Order Level Details
Order details contain a list of information originating from the Source Bureau requesting the quote.
Order Name: All orders in the Authentise MES are tracked using a unique URL identifier. The Order Name is usually a short name or description to quickly identify the order.
Bureau: The service bureau (i.e. the source bureau) that is requesting the quote.
Status: The status of the order. New order requests will have a status of Pending. If the Source Bureau accepts the quote meaning the job has been awarded to the Service Provider, the status will update to Confirmed.
Owner: The Source Bureau user who created/is responsible for ensuring the order is completed.
Shipping Details: This includes shipping address, shipping name, and tracking number, if applicable.
Line Item Details
Every order contains a 3D print line item. A Source Bureau may send multiple bid requests from a single order that contains multiple line items. In this case, every line item will appear as an individual job request in the Service Provider jobs page.
It is important to note that a service provider can not modify any CAD or production data provided by the Source Bureau. For example, if the Source Bureau has indicated a specific Workflow process or base material, for security and quality purposes, this information can not be modified by the Service Provider end user.
Line item Production details, CAD file, and instructions that are provided by the Source Bureau include:
Bureau: The service bureau (i.e. the source bureau) that has provided the CAD file and production data.
Base Material: The specified primary print material that the part will be printed with.
Support Material: Indicating a specific type of support structure material.
Model/CAD Files: The STL file and/or other CAD files. Click the link to download.
Units: Units are used to determine the STL volumetric information.
Type: 3D model file type.
Quantity: The specified quantity of units to be produced, per line item.
Status: The status of the line item. New order requests will have a status of Pending. If the Source Bureau accepts the quote meaning the job is awarded to the Service Provider, the status will update to Confirmed.
Notes: Additional production notes, tips, updates, etc. provided by the Source Bureau. Once a job has been awarded to a Service Provider, the Service Provider will be able to see the Notes once they update the Job status to "In-Progress".
Workflow: A specified workflow procedure for processing the line item. This is specific to the requesting Source Bureau.
Submitting a Quote
To participate in the bid, enter a price and/or delivery date and click the "Save Bid Data" button to submit the quote response back to the Source Bureau. You may also find that the Source Bureau has input a benchmark cost and due date as part of their bid requirements or to document conversations or figures discussed outside of the system. Please note that multiple updates can be made to this bid over the course of negotiations and the Source Bureau cannot offer a job without the Service Provider acknowledging the accuracy of the recorded Cost/Due Date by clicking Save Bid Data. To decline the offer, click the "Decline" button.
Cost: a total price for all quantities requested for the line item. For example, if a line item specifies 10 pieces and the cost to produce is $5 per piece, the cost is to be recorded as $50.
Due Date: The Source Bureau can indicate a due date for the Order, which can help the Service Provider prioritize, provide an accurate quote, and/or determine if they will respond to the bid or decline.
After responding to a bid, the bid status will be updated in the Service Providers list of jobs.
Bid Negotiation and Acceptance
The Source Bureau may choose to make a counteroffer to your bid price. In the event that a counteroffer is made, the Service Provider can either re-submit an updated quote or decline the offer altogether.
If the Source Bureau accepts the bid-offer, the job bid status will update to "Bid Negotiated" thereby indicating the job has been awarded to the Service Provider. When a job has been awarded, the Service Provider will receive an email notification outlining the job details. For example:
Managing Awarded Jobs
After being offered a job, you will want to update the job status from "Bid Negotiated" to "In-progress" to indicate work on the part ahs begun.
Note: You will now have access to a Notes field which can allow you to provide updates, tips, ask questions or receive feedback directly from the Source Bureau.
Once a job is finished, update the status to Shipping. At this point, the Service Provider can provide a Shipping Tracking number, if applicable. Note: After submitting an item as Shipping you will no longer be able to edit any of the data fields related to the line item.
Finalizing an Order
Once an order of 3D printed parts has been received by the Source Bureau, the Source Bureau will update the job status to Completed. Once a job has been completed, the Service Provider will no longer have access to the Job details. Please contact the Source Bureau if you require access to the order details again.
Order Cancellation
A Source Bureau can cancel an order at any time up until the shipping stage. Note that the terms of cancelation are determined between Source Bureaus and their Service Providers.