The Authentise MES supports multiple types of changes after a piece has begun production on the manufacturing facility floor. Commonly referred to as re-work, remanufacture, redlining, or change requests, the MES seeks to streamline this process and support our users as they perform this work.
Non-conformance Review
Non-conformance Reviews are the newest type of Production Change supported within Authentise! This new functionality allows users to Flag Pieces for Nonconformance Review and initiates the Non-conformance Review process.This process is fully configurable to support your organization's unique quality needs. For more guidance on setting up your Non-conformance Review process, check this out!
Initiating a Production Change
Each of the production changes is initiated within the Runs section of the MES and affects one or more pieces. The options for production changes can be found in the Build Plate Details box.
1. Change Production Workflow:
Clicking one of the edit buttons triggers a familiar interaction allowing the user to change the currently assigned workflow for a single piece. The user is also given the option to update or add additional work instructions for the piece too. Commonly this is used to add Review Boards, incorporate last-minute changes/redlines to the production workflow, or to address an error that was made during planning for the piece. Adding additional steps will result in the system automatically creating new runs for the piece. Removing steps will result in the system automatically removing that piece from the related runs.
Document a reason for the workflow change and adjust the workflow as needed. Follow the prompts and decide if you would like to diverge the schedules for the split off pieces or keep them combined such that the diverged pieces rejoin the large batch of pieces before proceeding through the remainder of their collective manufacturing processes.
After completing this decision, you will be provided the option to adjust the Work Instructions for the new workflow before completing your Production Workflow change. Workflow Changes can be completed as many times as is needed for a single piece.
2. Remanufacture
Selecting one or more pieces using the Remanufacture checkboxes will allow you to send one or more pieces through a prescribed remanufacture process. After clicking the Remanufacture button, you will be given the option to pick the Remanufacture action (Fail Part or Redo this run only) and record some information about why the remanufacture is occurring.
Fail Part - Selecting this will result in the Piece(s) being re-queued for manufacture scheduling via the Run creation page.
Redo this run only - Selecting this will result in the Pieces having an automatic workflow change that inserts the same process step as the next step of each of the selected Piece(s) workflows. Note if a batch of Pieces is redone, they will all be batched into the same (new) Run.
3. Flag for Non-conformance Review
Users have the option to flag one or more pieces for a Non Conformance Review. By doing this, the flagged pieces will have a Non-conformance Review step added as the next step in their workflow. This will generate a Run for the Nonconformance Review Process (containing the selected Pieces and performed at that Location's Nonconformance Review workstation). For more details on the Non Conformance Review process, please read this Non-conformance Review - Setup Guide.
4. Scrap
Users also have the option to scrap one or more pieces. After selecting the scrap option, you will be given the option to leave details to describe the reason you have decided to scrap the pieces selected. You will also be reminded of the scrap functionality and the other available options for a production change. Once the you have confirmed this action and added a reason for scrapping, you can then click the "Scrap" button. This will update the run and automatically end the workflow for the selected pieces.